Message from the CEO


The sectors surrounding the healthcare industry such as nursing, health promotion, health food/supplement, cosmetic procedures, remote medical care etc, are constantly expanding thus becoming increasingly complex. With the health industry expanding, it is becoming progressively difficult for medical corporations to operate without the integration of technology. R & S provides support to medical institutions in the integration of these technologies in order to provide higher quality and more efficient medical treatments.

Company Profile

Company Name
R&S Inc.
1-23-8-209, Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo-to
真砂 玲央奈
Reona Masago
Establishment date
25 Dec 2009

Our Policy


In order to enjoy life to a full extent, it is important to take care of your health. To achieve this necessitates medical treatment, however things such as disease prevention, health promotion, cosmetic procedures and nursing should also be recommended. To keep track of such vast amounts of data, medical institutions would have to use integration technologies such as IT, AI and robotics, with R&S providing guidance and support for the institutions transformation.

Business Contents

  • 医療機器の販売及びリース業
    Sales and leasing of medical equipment
  • 受付及び医療事務の代行業
    Acceptance and substitution of medical office work
  • 不動産賃貸業
    Real estate rental business
  • 健康補助食品及び機能性化粧品の販売
    Sales of health supplements and cosmeceutical
  • 居宅介護支援事業
    In-Home Long-Term Care Support Project
  • 資産の運用、管理、保持に関するコンサルタント業務
    Consulting business on asset management, management and retention
  • 経営及び労務一般に関するコンサルタント業務
    Consulting business on general management and labor
  • 前各号に附帯する一切の事業
    All business incidental to each of the preceding items


JR山手線 原宿駅より徒歩約10分

About 10 minutes on foot from JR Yamanote Line Harajuku Station